I had many sketches and doodles from the past that had remained unused in my files. Since my project required a lot of reflecting, what better way to do that than to look back at older artwork? To the left is one such example of a past artwork. When I wasn't drawing people, I tended to draw objects from nature; I think elements of both appeared in my capstone project.
My mind is constantly in inner turmoil, but even more so during the quarantine, where I felt I didn't have many people to talk to, and feeling so alone and demotivated frustrated me to no end. I tried to portray this idea in "ocean mind."
I think there are two components of isolation that we experience during this pandemic. One is that we feel alone by ourselves, and the other is that we begin to crave connection with others more than we had before. As someone who tends to spend a lot of time by myself, I thought I would be fine without much human contact. I was very wrong. Craving human interaction is such a straightforward concept, but so strong as an emotion; I tried to demonstrate that with bold, simple lines and bright colors in the piece "human connection."
Living at home, sitting in the same spot every day, doing the same things; in the quarantine, I was very much aware of this occurring. I felt stagnant, floating, frozen and lost. It's hard to incorporate all those ideas into one piece, so there are several: stagnancy in "the ordinary" and "like watching paint dry," floating and lost in "stationary," and a sense of frozenness in "stasis."
Part of being stationary was that time passing was very evident and obvious. I was very aware that I was getting older, every change I went through, all of it was amplified by this quarantine. It's a complicated feeling, because as much as it is a new experience to be able to feel time pass to distinctly, it also feels sobering and unfortunate that I can feel myself age. I tried to portray these complicated emotions in "time passes," "seasons," and "wither."